DB Packaging has been appointed Aquapak’s distributor for its polymer pellets across Australia and New Zealand.

Based in New South Wales, the eco packaging company provides innovative and environmentally sustainable packaging solutions. Working with their manufacturer, Advent Packaging, they have already brought to market a range of cytotoxic laundry bags and food waste bags made from Aquapak’s Hydropol™ pellets.
Their hot water soluble laundry bags are supplied to hotels, hospitals and care homes. DB Packaging approached Aquapak as they wanted an ‘eco’ version that would retain the strength, puncture resistance, barrier properties and durability of traditional laundry bags whilst reducing the requirement for incineration, thereby increasing the reuse of bed linen. The resulting bags remove the process of having to remove laundry from bags before washing and negate the occupational health and safety risks when there is heavily soiled, infectious or cytotoxic content. Cytotoxic linen is also easily identified.
Likewise, being hot water soluble these bags have proven to be of particular interest to the food waste collection and anaerobic digestion processors, as they bypass the need for expensive de-packaging equipment and improve the overall quality of digestate.
Commenting, Director of DB packaging, David Beaver said, “I have been privileged to partner with Aquapak on this journey to bring Hydropol™ to the Australian and New Zealand market. Hydropol™ is already changing the medical arena and will continue change how we handle our waste. The consumer can use Hydropol™ to eliminate their waste. There are many applications for this material but the real winner is the Environment, as the material is water soluble, non-toxic and marine safe.”
Mark Lapping, CEO at Aquapak added, “It’s fantastic seeing Aquapak polymer being made into laundry and food waste bags that are transforming the way these are used in everyday processes. We look forward to seeing further innovative solutions from DB Packaging in the future!”